
中文地址原則 - 翻譯理論


X室  Room X
X號  No. X
X單元 Unit X
X號樓 Building No. X
X街  X Street
X路  X Road
X區  X District
X縣  X County
X鎮  X Town
X市  X City
X省  X Province

Room , No. , SiFang Residential Quarter, BaoShan District
Room , No. , Lane , XiKang Road(South), HongKou District
河南省南陽市中州路號 李有財
Li Youcai
Zhongzhou Road, Nanyang City
Henan Prov. China
湖北省荊州市紅苑大酒店 李有財
Li Youcai
Hongyuan Hotel
Jingzhou city
Hubei Prov. China
河南南陽市八一路號特鋼公司 李有財
Li Youcai
Special Steel Corp.
No. , Bayi Road, Nanyang City
Henan Prov. China
廣東中山市東區亨達花園棟 李有財
Li Youcai
Room , th Building
Hengda Garden, ast District
Zhongshan, China
福建省廈門市蓮花五村龍昌裏號室 李有財
Li Youcai
Room , No. Long Chang Li
Xiamen, Fujian, China
廈門公交總公司承諾辦 李有財
Mr. Li Youcai
Cheng Nuo Ban, Gong Jiao Zong Gong Si
Xiamen,日文翻譯, Fujian, China
山東省青島市開平路號國棉四廠二宿捨號樓單元戶甲 李有財
Mr. Li Youcai
NO. ,遠見翻譯, A, Building NO.
The nd Dormitory of the NO. State-owned Textile Factory
Kaiping Road, Qingdao, Shandong, China










  第四,寫作。在所有攷試項目中,寫作是最能夠在短期提高的。劉啟升提醒廣大攷生,在短短的半個月裏只要下決心瘔練寫作,是可以帶動整份攷卷的分數的。在寫作中需要注意的事項有:牢記寫作裏傳統三大段的寫法;英語作文的四句話是得分要點:三段裏每段的首句(即主題句)和全文的尾句(起到呼應主題、升華文章的作用);在文章中,句型表達要相對靈活,用詞力求不重復;使用開頭句時切忌這種表達:Some people think, Other people think, I think that, 這三句話絕對不能出現在同一篇文章中。還有,最好能在這段日子裏揹誦一些難度不大但是非常正統的地道句型。周雷強調,從近僟年的六級作文題中不難看出,對邏輯思維能力的攷查力度越來越大,過於簡單幼稚的作文拿不了高分。所以在進行六級作文訓練時,可以做一些作文題,找找感覺。




Good ideas, not political tactics - 英語演講

This morning the President met with Senate Budget mittee Chairman Kent Conrad and House Budget mittee Chairman John Spratt. After the meeting, the President spoke about the investments and hard choices his budget makes. He noted at the outset that it "will bring discretionary spending for domestic programs as a share of the economy to its lowest level in nearly half a century" over the next decade. But he also made clear that while the budget does not attempt to solve every problem, it does not walk away from the crucial investments that will ensure our economy is on a strong footing for the future.

He mitted to ending the era of the "bubble economy," and creating a solid foundation based on "investments that will lead to real growth and real prosperity." He talked about health reform that will ease the burden on businesses, budgets, and families. He talked about the need for investments and reform in education because "countries who out-educate us today will out-pete us tomorrow." He talked about shifting to a clean energy economy that will ensure that as the global economy changes,韓文翻譯, America stays ahead of the curve and creates the jobs of tomorrow here.

For those who claim that the President’s goals are too big to acplish, he had a ready response: "What I say is that the challenges we face are too large to ignore." In closing his remarks he also reached out to his critics, and encouraged them to e to the table with a constructive mindset:

But the one thing I will say is this: With the magnitude of the challenges we face right now, what we need in Washington are not more political tactics -- we need more good ideas. We don't need more point-scoring -- we need more problem-solving. So if there are members of Congress who object to specific policies and proposals in this budget, then I ask them to be ready and willing to propose constructive, alternative solutions. If certain aspects of this budget people don't think work, provide us some ideas in terms of what you do. "Just say no",韓文翻譯; is the right advice to give your teenagers about drugs. It is not an acceptable response to whatever economic policy is proposed by the other party.

The American people sent us here to get things done. And in this moment of enormous challenge,美加翻譯社, they are watching and waiting for us to lead. Let's show them that we're equal to this task before us. Let's pass a budget that puts this nation on the road to lasting prosperity. I know Kent Conrad is mitted to doing that; John Spratt is mitted to doing that; I'm mitted to doing that. We're going to need everybody working together to get this thing done.