

Google's latest doodle celebrates the 165th birthday of Bram Stoker, the Irish novelist and short story writer best known as the creator of Dracula,韓中翻譯, despite writing 19 books.

Born in Dublin in 1847, Stoker studied at Trinity College while working as a civil servant in Dublin Castle and moonlighting as a newspaper drama critic.

He moved to London in 1878 with his new wife, Florence Balcombe, and became an administrator of the Irving Company at the Lyceum theatre.
正正在1878年他与新妻子Florence Balcombe搬到倫敦,成了歐文公司教會劇院的一個管理員。

Stoker's first full-length book, written earlier in Dublin, was a piece on non-fiction entitled The Duties of Clerks of Petty Sessions in Ireland, and was followed by novels, lectures, short stories, articles, serials and a two-volume memoir of Irving.
斯托克的第一本完整的書,是早些時辰在皆柏林寫的,一本名叫 《The Duties of Clerks of Petty Sessions》的非小說,紧隨厥後的是小說、報告稿、短篇故事、文章、持續劇跟兩卷歐文回忆錄。

Dracula, his fifth novel, was published in 1897 after Stoker spent several years researching European folklore and mythological stories of vampires.

He died in London in 1912 after suffering a number of strokes. One hundred years after Stoker's death, Dracula continues to fascinate and forms the basis for a film and literary industry based around vampires.

A new edition, with an introduction by the Irish writer Colm Tóibín, was published this year to mark the centenary of Stoker's death.
一個新的版本,由愛我蘭做傢Colm Tóibín寫的介绍,將於今年出書留唸斯托克去世一百周年。

