
翻譯:A new day at DOJ - 英語演講

The Department of Justice has had a rough couple of years.

But there's a new sheriff in town. Just a few moments ago, Eric Holder was sworn in by Vice President Joe Biden, being the first African American Attorney General in the nation's history.

In a short video message to the employees of the Department this morning, Holder promised to set things right at what he called the "crown jewel" of the Federal government.

He laid out the Department's top three goals:

"We must strengthen the activities of the Federal government as we protect the American people from terrorism...We must restore the credibility of this Department, which has been so badly shaken by allegations of improper political interference....and we must reinvigorate the traditional missions of the Department. Without letting down our guard in the fight against global terrorism, we must embrace the Department’s historic role in fighting crime, promoting civil rights, preserving the environment, ensuring fairness in the marketplace, and protecting the interests of our fellow citizens."

You can watch the full message below.

