
【白發英語】The business trip 出差

  Anna: (at the airport) Tom, could you let go of my hand?

  Tom: Sorry, it's just I get nervous flying.

  Anna: Well, we've landed in Marseille now so you're safe… oh, I like your passport photo.

  Tom: Oh do you?

  Anna: I didn't know your middle name was Stanley.

  Tom: Yup,翻譯, after my great-great-grandfather.

  Anna: Really? Come on, we need to get a taxi. Taxi! Taxi!

  Narrator: Hello again. Anna 跟 Tom 此次出差可是身揹重擔,他們必须簽下法國客戶的訂單。這傢客戶比來收到别的一傢公司給的報價,要比 Tip Top 公司的報價低, 所以客戶要跳槽了。Anna 此次必须壓服客戶 Tip Top 的產物可是品質最好的。Anna, 你有疑唸嗎?

  Anna: Not really. It was OK speaking to them on the phone but seeing them faceto-face is quite scary.

  Narrator: You'll be fine. 堅持沉著。客戶確定會很高兴你們順便到他們公司訪問。你要告诉他們感謝他們能抽出時光來接睹你們,而後從新掃納綜开一下您們德律風上說的那些內容。

  Anna: Oh yes – beat the price of the competitor but get them to make a bigger order.

  Narrator: 對了,報告他們定單越大年夜,享受的扣頭便越多。祝你好運!

  Tom: Oh look, we're here now. Now Anna, I hope you don't mind me saying, but just leave the talking to me. Right?

  Anna: Err, well…

  Tom: Oh, Madame Brown, ciao, great to see you.

  Trader: What?

  Anna: Monsieur Brown. Bonjour. I'm Anna from Tip Top Trading. This is my colleague Tom. Thank you for sparing the time to see us.

  Trader: No problem. Did you have a good flight?

  Tom: It was great. I love those little bottles of wine they give out… I kept a few with me if you fancy a glass of vin rouge?

  Anna: I think we should sit down and discuss business.

  Trader: Of course.

  Tom: Yeah, yeah, good idea.

  Anna: Now, I believe Tutti Fruity has offered you a good price but, as I said on the phone, we can beat that.

  Trader: Yes you did.

  Tom: Did you Anna?!

  Anna: But to get this price you've got to buy lots more.

  Narrator: Anna! 你讲得太露骨了,要蘊藉一些。要讓對圓自動購更多的塑料水果,而不是你偪他們買的。

  Tom: What she means is… our Imperial Lemons are made with our unique laser curve technology. They are hard wearing and a joy to have on display in any shop window or restaurant.

  Anna: Tom, that's amazing!

  Tom: I read it on the back of the box.

  Anna: So, we really feel that we have a product that you'll be proud to display.

  And to get this fantastic price you just need to place an order of 10,000.

  Tom: And we can even throw in a free sample of our new Perfect Peach range.

  Anna: Each lemon comes with a satisfaction guarantee - I know you won't be disappointed.

  Trader: Hmm. It sounds good. OK, I think you have a deal,翻譯.

  Narrator: 不錯不錯。Anna, 別記了讓他正在條約上簽字,还有告诉他什麼時辰支貨。

  Anna: OK. I would be grateful if you could just sign the contract. We'll get the lemons to you as quickly as we can. Tom, do you have a pen?

  Tom: Erm, no actually. It was in my bag yesterday but it's gone… it was a nice, a good one too.

  Trader: No problem. I have a pen (signs the contract). There you go.

  Anna: Thank you. It was a pleasure doing business with you. We'll get those lemons to you in two weeks' time.

  Trader: Perfect.

  Narrator: Good work. Anna 跟 Tom 的表现皆不錯。条约簽好了,接下來便得实現許諾了。那正在那裏,讓我們再看看 Anna 用了哪些說話來輔助她勝利天簽下了来日的開同。Thank you for sparing the time to see us. Each lemon comes with a satisfaction guarantee - I know you won't be disappointed. I would be grateful if you could just sign the contract. Thank you. It was a pleasure doing business with you.

  Narrator: 實是不枉此行。Tom 戰 Anna 得回倫敦揹 Paul 講演好新聞了!

  (Back at the airport)

  Anna: Oh no, look, our flight to London is cancelled! It's the last one today. What are we going to do?

  Tom: Well, I guess we're just going to have to stay here for the night. I'll sort out a hotel.

  Narrator: 看往尟花易謝啊!偺們下次再會!

   Listening Challenge 聽力挑釁

  Tom 倡議給法國客戶甚麼樣的劣惠?

  謎底:免費新款 Perfect Peach 樣品



  艾 Ai
  安 Ann/An
  敖 Ao
  巴 Pa
  白 Pai
  包/鮑 ,中譯日;Paul/Pao
  班 Pan
  貝 Pei
  畢 Pih
  卞 Bein
  卜/薄 Po/Pu
  步 Poo
  百裏 Pai-li
  蔡/柴 Tsia/Choi/Tsai
  曹/晁/巢 Chao/Chiao/Tsao
  岑 Cheng
  崔 Tsui
  查 Cha
  常 Chiong
  車 Che
  陳 Chen/Chan/Tan
  成/程 Cheng
  池 Chi
  褚/楚 Chu
  淳於 Chwen-yu
  戴/代 Day/Tai
  鄧 Teng/Tang/Tung
  狄 Ti
  刁 Tiao
  丁 Ting/T
  董/東 Tung/Tong
  竇 Tou
  杜 To/Du/Too
  段 Tuan
  端木 Duan-mu
  東郭 Tung-kuo
  東圆 Tung-fang
  範/樊 Fan/Van
  房/圓 Fang
  費 Fei
  馮/鳳/啟 Fung/Fong
  符/傅 Fu/Foo
  蓋 Kai
  瘔 Kan
  下/郜 Gao/Kao
  葛 Keh
  耿 Keng
  弓/宮/龔/恭 Kung
  勾 Kou
  古/穀/看 Ku/Koo
  桂 Kwei
  筦/閉 ,日譯中;Kuan/Kwan
  郭/國 Kwok/Kuo
  公孫 Kung-sun
  公羊 Kung-yang
  公冶 Kung-yeh
  穀梁 Ku-liang
  海 Hay
  韓 Hon/Han
  杭 Hang

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【英語熱詞】gap year 空檔年


Many colleges and universities support gap year projects by permitting students to delay their admission.


空檔年或是距離年, 可讓教逝世們正正在年夜壆之前有一年的時光好好享受人死。壯游(Grand Tour),翻譯,西圆也叫空檔年(The Gap Year),素有走進來傳統的歐洲,空檔年即是西圓年轻人“轉大年夜人”的階段,能夠相稱於偺們的成人禮,他們儘大多数是抉擇出國壯游往實現那項成年禮。


職場禮儀英語 Ups and Downs of Elevator Etiquette坐


(Office ambience)

A:Hi Chen Hao, you look upset. What's wrong?


A:Why couldn't you get off?


A:Sometimes people on elevators can be quite rude and treat others with sheer indifference. They don't seem to realize that the rules of manners apply to elevators as well.


A:To start with, if you had waited to get on the elevator, you would have been near the front and not had to push your way through the crowd to exit.


A:There's always another elevator.


A:When you got on, you should have stepped to the side near the door so you would be out of the way of others trying to follow.


A:You reminded me. I am planning to see the new media exhibit on the 20th floor this afternoon. Would you like to go with me?





A:At the least the man at the front of the elevator who was not getting off until the top floor was polite.


A:Another polite move when you are standing by the elevator panel is to figure out which buttons hold the doors open and which ones close them.


A:As an added courtesy, offer to push the appropriate floor for the people who can't reach the buttons.


A:One last thing...when the elevator arrives and the door opens, stand back. Give people room to exit. Besides if you don't, you could get run over.

C:Amy, 說了這麼多,能總結一下坐電梯的規則嗎?

A:Elevator etiquette is simple. Be considerate. If you will be exiting soon, stand near the door. If you will be one of the last to get off, stand near the back.



心試經常应用英語書里語(22) 年度總結

Q:If this were your first annual review with our company, what would I be telling you right now?

A:Youd be thanking me for a job well done and would be explaining how you look forward to continuing to see good work from me. Furthermore, I would anticipate your explaining how you really appreciated my putting in extra time on some key projects and how my creative thinking helped come up with some innovative solutions to existing problems,翻譯.






  1. 後接否認的賓語從句時,平凡將可認轉移到主句上。如:
  I don’t believe that he will win. 我相信他不會贏。
  But I don’t believe he means any harm. 但我念他並沒有恶意。
  I don’t believe she will like the idea. 我相信她不會批准那個想法。
  2. 正正在簡單答語中,個別不獨自用 believe, 而用 I believe so. 或 I don’t believe so. /I believe not. 如:
  A:Do you think he will come? 你以為他會往嗎?
  B:No, I don’t believe so. [I believe not. ] 我想不會。
  A:Shakespeare was born in I564,wasn’t he? 莎士比亞是I564 年誕死的,對吧?
  B:I believe so. 我唸是的。
  3. 可接不定式的復開搆制做賓語,但其中的不定式但凡為 to be型,若為实義動詞,則常常為實現式。如:
  They believed him (to be) mistaken. / They believed that he was mistaken. 他們以為他錯了。
  I believe him to have arrived safely. 我信任他已保险達到(from www.yywords.com)。
  4. 比儗 believe sb 跟 believe in sb:前者指相信某人的話(=believe what one says);後者指信賴某人的為人(=trust sb)。如:
  I can believe him, but I cannot believe in him. 我相信他讲的話是實的,但是不相信他的為人。
  注:believe in的用法演繹:

  Christians believe in Jesus. 基督信仰耶穌。
  Marxism believes in the primacy of matter. 馬克思主義者信赖物資是第一性的。
  I don’t believe in the theory,中日翻譯. 我不相信這個實踐。
  You can believe in him; he’ll never let you down. 您能夠信赖他,他绝不會令你掃興。
  We believe in our government. 偺們信赖我們的噹侷。
  If you believe in yourself you can succeed. 如果你對自己有決定疑唸就能够勝利。
  Do you believe in ghosts? 你相信有鬼嗎?
  They (don’t) believe in fairies. 他們(不)相信有仙女(from www.yywords.com)。
  Only 29 per cent of the population believe in a personal God. 只有百分之兩十九的人相信有人樣子模样的上帝。
  He believes very strongly in female emancipation. 他剧烈主張婦女束縛。
  He believes in plenty of fresh air and exercise. 他認為大量新穎空氣戰活動是好的,翻譯
  I’ve always believed in being broad-minded. 我一貫主张豁達漂亮。
  I believe in working like hell. 我主張拼命事件。



  英語“再見”最長暂最个别的用語噹屬good―bye, 也可寫做good―by或goodbye, 源於God be with you (願上帝戰你同在), 是離別時的一句祝語。
  “再見”也能夠說“bye-bye”,亦寫作“by-by”, 是幼女用語。Bye-bye還有“上床,睡覺”的意思, 用於催眠時,相稱於“寶寶睡”,“乖乖睡”之義, 因此成年人在正式場所應慎用或不用bye-bye。
  英語 “再見”書里語中風行說法還有:See you!See you again或 See you later (回想見);See you tomorrow (來日見);So long等于So long as we are parted (後會有期)。来源:測驗大
  Cheerio是英語俚語 “再見” 的意义, 只限於平輩間, 伴侶間應用, 對尊長不那麼講。
  七十年代終, 果為好國社會的極大年夜配合性,同時給社會帶往了不保嶮成分, 擄掠時有產死, 人們開端用take care代替good-bye了, 意思是天主不與你同在, 您可自己要留意,小.旧道熱腸。Take care也露有開車要膽年夜妄為( 或直接說Drive carefully)。Take care還寓意要重視保重身体, 或留心與老板處寘好關聯等,省得卷舖蓋。噹人們夜間分別時, 也能夠說Good-night (晨安,再見)。
  九十年代,好國人在分離時極其風止的古道热肠頭禪是Have a good day! 在超市,商場,銀行,剃頭店,藥店,機場,酒店等, 主顧分開時十之八九能够聽到 “Have a good day” 做別語, 使人覺得比Take care要寬緊,親熱跟友愛。客人個別答復:You, too 或Thank you。間或亦可用Thank you for your coming與看客或客人道別。
  若兩人第一次會晤, 在辨别時, “再見”可說 “It’s nice meeting you” 或 “I am glad to have met you”。
  若是朋友出遠門,可用多種抒發办法,如: “I wish you good luck”; “ I wish you a good journey”; “ Success to you” 或間接簡單天讲 “Good journey!”; “Nice journey!”

  若是朋儕往遠圆可能再不輕易相見, 這時候可說Farewell。Farewell有 “永訣” 的含义, 也表示戀戀不捨。
  kiss (somebody) Good-by (與或人)吻別
  kiss good-by to (somebody) (與某人)吻別
  wave good-by to (somebody) (与某人)揮手再見
  blow (somebody) a kiss或throw a kiss to (somebody) (予人以)飛吻。西圓人習慣把脚放到唇邊親吻一下, 而後用嘴吹腳, 表現給正正在不远處的親朋一個接吻, 以示“再睹”。
  瀏覽英語文章時, 借能夠碰到Adieu 跟 Auf Wiedersehen, 也是 “再見” 的意義, Adieu是法語詞, Auf Wiedersehen是德語詞。





1.To be, or not to be: that is the question.
2.The course of true love never did run smooth.
3.Do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.
4.The empty vessels make the greatest sound.
5.A light heart lives long.
6.Don't gild the lily.
7.Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful.
8.There are more things between heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.