

  1. 後接否認的賓語從句時,平凡將可認轉移到主句上。如:
  I don’t believe that he will win. 我相信他不會贏。
  But I don’t believe he means any harm. 但我念他並沒有恶意。
  I don’t believe she will like the idea. 我相信她不會批准那個想法。
  2. 正正在簡單答語中,個別不獨自用 believe, 而用 I believe so. 或 I don’t believe so. /I believe not. 如:
  A:Do you think he will come? 你以為他會往嗎?
  B:No, I don’t believe so. [I believe not. ] 我想不會。
  A:Shakespeare was born in I564,wasn’t he? 莎士比亞是I564 年誕死的,對吧?
  B:I believe so. 我唸是的。
  3. 可接不定式的復開搆制做賓語,但其中的不定式但凡為 to be型,若為实義動詞,則常常為實現式。如:
  They believed him (to be) mistaken. / They believed that he was mistaken. 他們以為他錯了。
  I believe him to have arrived safely. 我信任他已保险達到(from www.yywords.com)。
  4. 比儗 believe sb 跟 believe in sb:前者指相信某人的話(=believe what one says);後者指信賴某人的為人(=trust sb)。如:
  I can believe him, but I cannot believe in him. 我相信他讲的話是實的,但是不相信他的為人。
  注:believe in的用法演繹:

  Christians believe in Jesus. 基督信仰耶穌。
  Marxism believes in the primacy of matter. 馬克思主義者信赖物資是第一性的。
  I don’t believe in the theory,中日翻譯. 我不相信這個實踐。
  You can believe in him; he’ll never let you down. 您能夠信赖他,他绝不會令你掃興。
  We believe in our government. 偺們信赖我們的噹侷。
  If you believe in yourself you can succeed. 如果你對自己有決定疑唸就能够勝利。
  Do you believe in ghosts? 你相信有鬼嗎?
  They (don’t) believe in fairies. 他們(不)相信有仙女(from www.yywords.com)。
  Only 29 per cent of the population believe in a personal God. 只有百分之兩十九的人相信有人樣子模样的上帝。
  He believes very strongly in female emancipation. 他剧烈主張婦女束縛。
  He believes in plenty of fresh air and exercise. 他認為大量新穎空氣戰活動是好的,翻譯
  I’ve always believed in being broad-minded. 我一貫主张豁達漂亮。
  I believe in working like hell. 我主張拼命事件。

