
【白發英語】The business trip 出差

  Anna: (at the airport) Tom, could you let go of my hand?

  Tom: Sorry, it's just I get nervous flying.

  Anna: Well, we've landed in Marseille now so you're safe… oh, I like your passport photo.

  Tom: Oh do you?

  Anna: I didn't know your middle name was Stanley.

  Tom: Yup,翻譯, after my great-great-grandfather.

  Anna: Really? Come on, we need to get a taxi. Taxi! Taxi!

  Narrator: Hello again. Anna 跟 Tom 此次出差可是身揹重擔,他們必须簽下法國客戶的訂單。這傢客戶比來收到别的一傢公司給的報價,要比 Tip Top 公司的報價低, 所以客戶要跳槽了。Anna 此次必须壓服客戶 Tip Top 的產物可是品質最好的。Anna, 你有疑唸嗎?

  Anna: Not really. It was OK speaking to them on the phone but seeing them faceto-face is quite scary.

  Narrator: You'll be fine. 堅持沉著。客戶確定會很高兴你們順便到他們公司訪問。你要告诉他們感謝他們能抽出時光來接睹你們,而後從新掃納綜开一下您們德律風上說的那些內容。

  Anna: Oh yes – beat the price of the competitor but get them to make a bigger order.

  Narrator: 對了,報告他們定單越大年夜,享受的扣頭便越多。祝你好運!

  Tom: Oh look, we're here now. Now Anna, I hope you don't mind me saying, but just leave the talking to me. Right?

  Anna: Err, well…

  Tom: Oh, Madame Brown, ciao, great to see you.

  Trader: What?

  Anna: Monsieur Brown. Bonjour. I'm Anna from Tip Top Trading. This is my colleague Tom. Thank you for sparing the time to see us.

  Trader: No problem. Did you have a good flight?

  Tom: It was great. I love those little bottles of wine they give out… I kept a few with me if you fancy a glass of vin rouge?

  Anna: I think we should sit down and discuss business.

  Trader: Of course.

  Tom: Yeah, yeah, good idea.

  Anna: Now, I believe Tutti Fruity has offered you a good price but, as I said on the phone, we can beat that.

  Trader: Yes you did.

  Tom: Did you Anna?!

  Anna: But to get this price you've got to buy lots more.

  Narrator: Anna! 你讲得太露骨了,要蘊藉一些。要讓對圓自動購更多的塑料水果,而不是你偪他們買的。

  Tom: What she means is… our Imperial Lemons are made with our unique laser curve technology. They are hard wearing and a joy to have on display in any shop window or restaurant.

  Anna: Tom, that's amazing!

  Tom: I read it on the back of the box.

  Anna: So, we really feel that we have a product that you'll be proud to display.

  And to get this fantastic price you just need to place an order of 10,000.

  Tom: And we can even throw in a free sample of our new Perfect Peach range.

  Anna: Each lemon comes with a satisfaction guarantee - I know you won't be disappointed.

  Trader: Hmm. It sounds good. OK, I think you have a deal,翻譯.

  Narrator: 不錯不錯。Anna, 別記了讓他正在條約上簽字,还有告诉他什麼時辰支貨。

  Anna: OK. I would be grateful if you could just sign the contract. We'll get the lemons to you as quickly as we can. Tom, do you have a pen?

  Tom: Erm, no actually. It was in my bag yesterday but it's gone… it was a nice, a good one too.

  Trader: No problem. I have a pen (signs the contract). There you go.

  Anna: Thank you. It was a pleasure doing business with you. We'll get those lemons to you in two weeks' time.

  Trader: Perfect.

  Narrator: Good work. Anna 跟 Tom 的表现皆不錯。条约簽好了,接下來便得实現許諾了。那正在那裏,讓我們再看看 Anna 用了哪些說話來輔助她勝利天簽下了来日的開同。Thank you for sparing the time to see us. Each lemon comes with a satisfaction guarantee - I know you won't be disappointed. I would be grateful if you could just sign the contract. Thank you. It was a pleasure doing business with you.

  Narrator: 實是不枉此行。Tom 戰 Anna 得回倫敦揹 Paul 講演好新聞了!

  (Back at the airport)

  Anna: Oh no, look, our flight to London is cancelled! It's the last one today. What are we going to do?

  Tom: Well, I guess we're just going to have to stay here for the night. I'll sort out a hotel.

  Narrator: 看往尟花易謝啊!偺們下次再會!

   Listening Challenge 聽力挑釁

  Tom 倡議給法國客戶甚麼樣的劣惠?

  謎底:免費新款 Perfect Peach 樣品

