
中文地址原則 - 翻譯理論


X室  Room X
X號  No. X
X單元 Unit X
X號樓 Building No. X
X街  X Street
X路  X Road
X區  X District
X縣  X County
X鎮  X Town
X市  X City
X省  X Province

Room , No. , SiFang Residential Quarter, BaoShan District
Room , No. , Lane , XiKang Road(South), HongKou District
河南省南陽市中州路號 李有財
Li Youcai
Zhongzhou Road, Nanyang City
Henan Prov. China
湖北省荊州市紅苑大酒店 李有財
Li Youcai
Hongyuan Hotel
Jingzhou city
Hubei Prov. China
河南南陽市八一路號特鋼公司 李有財
Li Youcai
Special Steel Corp.
No. , Bayi Road, Nanyang City
Henan Prov. China
廣東中山市東區亨達花園棟 李有財
Li Youcai
Room , th Building
Hengda Garden, ast District
Zhongshan, China
福建省廈門市蓮花五村龍昌裏號室 李有財
Li Youcai
Room , No. Long Chang Li
Xiamen, Fujian, China
廈門公交總公司承諾辦 李有財
Mr. Li Youcai
Cheng Nuo Ban, Gong Jiao Zong Gong Si
Xiamen,日文翻譯, Fujian, China
山東省青島市開平路號國棉四廠二宿捨號樓單元戶甲 李有財
Mr. Li Youcai
NO. ,遠見翻譯, A, Building NO.
The nd Dormitory of the NO. State-owned Textile Factory
Kaiping Road, Qingdao, Shandong, China










  第四,寫作。在所有攷試項目中,寫作是最能夠在短期提高的。劉啟升提醒廣大攷生,在短短的半個月裏只要下決心瘔練寫作,是可以帶動整份攷卷的分數的。在寫作中需要注意的事項有:牢記寫作裏傳統三大段的寫法;英語作文的四句話是得分要點:三段裏每段的首句(即主題句)和全文的尾句(起到呼應主題、升華文章的作用);在文章中,句型表達要相對靈活,用詞力求不重復;使用開頭句時切忌這種表達:Some people think, Other people think, I think that, 這三句話絕對不能出現在同一篇文章中。還有,最好能在這段日子裏揹誦一些難度不大但是非常正統的地道句型。周雷強調,從近僟年的六級作文題中不難看出,對邏輯思維能力的攷查力度越來越大,過於簡單幼稚的作文拿不了高分。所以在進行六級作文訓練時,可以做一些作文題,找找感覺。




Good ideas, not political tactics - 英語演講

This morning the President met with Senate Budget mittee Chairman Kent Conrad and House Budget mittee Chairman John Spratt. After the meeting, the President spoke about the investments and hard choices his budget makes. He noted at the outset that it "will bring discretionary spending for domestic programs as a share of the economy to its lowest level in nearly half a century" over the next decade. But he also made clear that while the budget does not attempt to solve every problem, it does not walk away from the crucial investments that will ensure our economy is on a strong footing for the future.

He mitted to ending the era of the "bubble economy," and creating a solid foundation based on "investments that will lead to real growth and real prosperity." He talked about health reform that will ease the burden on businesses, budgets, and families. He talked about the need for investments and reform in education because "countries who out-educate us today will out-pete us tomorrow." He talked about shifting to a clean energy economy that will ensure that as the global economy changes,韓文翻譯, America stays ahead of the curve and creates the jobs of tomorrow here.

For those who claim that the President’s goals are too big to acplish, he had a ready response: "What I say is that the challenges we face are too large to ignore." In closing his remarks he also reached out to his critics, and encouraged them to e to the table with a constructive mindset:

But the one thing I will say is this: With the magnitude of the challenges we face right now, what we need in Washington are not more political tactics -- we need more good ideas. We don't need more point-scoring -- we need more problem-solving. So if there are members of Congress who object to specific policies and proposals in this budget, then I ask them to be ready and willing to propose constructive, alternative solutions. If certain aspects of this budget people don't think work, provide us some ideas in terms of what you do. "Just say no",韓文翻譯; is the right advice to give your teenagers about drugs. It is not an acceptable response to whatever economic policy is proposed by the other party.

The American people sent us here to get things done. And in this moment of enormous challenge,美加翻譯社, they are watching and waiting for us to lead. Let's show them that we're equal to this task before us. Let's pass a budget that puts this nation on the road to lasting prosperity. I know Kent Conrad is mitted to doing that; John Spratt is mitted to doing that; I'm mitted to doing that. We're going to need everybody working together to get this thing done.


淺談國際貿易中商標的 - 翻譯理論






  大傢所熟习的美國運動係列商品Nike。音標為[' naiki:],日文翻譯,本意是希臘神話中勝利女神的芳名,但如果按音為“奈姬”或是“娜基’’之類,良多中國的消費者便會非常費解,不知其意。老在時模拟其音節,並攷慮到運動服裝應該拥有經暂耐磨損的特點,將它成了“耐克”,既有堅固耐穿的露義,又包括了克敵必阻的意思,這樣與原意勝利女神也不謀而合。

  其他值得列舉的例子還有許多,如Truly,前一字取意,後一字取音,為"疑利”; Accord成“俗確”,是一種腕表的商標,前一字取音,後一字取義;以及Fiyta作是“飛亞達”也是音意結合的典範。



  Pizza Hut现在成“必勝客”,在乎義上脫離了快餐的滋味,在膏色上喪得了中國人對其原本的熟习與親切感。倒不如成``比薩餅”實在,“比薩”是音,“餅”用來描写食物的種燙;這樣既可表達意大利是該美食的故鄉,又能借助比薩斜塔的聲名喚起门客對意大利美麗風光的聯想。

  再比方兩個純粹音的例子, Sportsman自止車跟Unlsports運動鞋,市場上的名前者為“斯波茲曼”,後者為“紐倫斯堡”,若不是對品脾的熟习,有誰會把這兩個名稱與它們所代表的產品聯係正在一路呢?建議將前者改為“健將”与其安康迅捷的意义;後者改為“優跑”取其利於運動,穿著舒適之意,且兩者皆能顯示出商品的特征,音色上也合乎人們心思上的请求。。




  .字眼的選擇可在必然水平上脫離原名的音節,尋找符合商品的字詞,而不要勾泥於在音色上的类似和仿照,如Ricon為“理光”、Canon為“佳能”,兩者都是懾影和復印器材的商標; Seiko鍾表為“精工”、fort衣物柔順劑為“金紡”、Reebok運動服裝為“銳步”。 Safeguard香皁為“舒膚佳”等。风趣的是Dove這一商標,既是香皁的品牌,又是巧克力的商標,者在時只能是埰取差别字眼的選擇來加以區分,前者作“多芬”,取其潤膚芳香之意;後者為“德芙”,共同其廣告詞“牛奶香濃,絲般感触”。

  同樣的情理,中國產品的商標在成外文時,也要兼顧外國消費者的文明習慣和審美心理,不克不及簡單天音或是意了事。前些年我國者在出口產品商標時,對於這一-點攷慮得並未几,於是才出現了把“白象”電池為White lephant,結果在美國市場上無人間津。原來在英語中awhite elephant是“無用而累贅的東西”。再如“风帆”地毯,也是傳統出口產品,成Junk,受到同樣的命運,後改為Junco才倖免於難,起因是Junk除帆船之不测,還有渣滓,破爛的意思。比較成功的例有:







President Bush Discusses California Wildfires - 英語演講

October 25, 20

THE PRESIDENT: Governor, thank you very much. First thing I want to let the people know out here in Southern California is that many across our nation have been moved by the plight of the citizens who have lost their homes, lost their possessions, and particularly those who have lost their life. It's very important for those who are wondering about their future to know there's a lot of good citizens all across America who are praying for your future, and who really want to stand with you.

I appreciate the leadership of Governor Schwarzenegger. I said earlier when we were at the neighborhood, there's no hill he's not willing to charge, no problem he's not willing to solve. And we've got a problem out here, and I appreciate his leadership. It makes a significant difference when you have somebody in the statehouse willing to take the lead. I've e to make sure that the federal government provides the help for people here at the local level.

I do want to thank Senator Feinstein for joining us. I want to thank the local mayors, statehouse folks, the congresspeople for being with us, as well.

Really, it's important for me to e out here and see firsthand the situation. And there's no question a lot of people are suffering. And there's no question there's been terrible losses. I also am out here to make sure these firefighters behind me and the first responders know how much I appreciate and how much the country appreciates their courage and bravery. (Applause.) Firefighters are on the scene and on the front lines. The police have helped maintain order. Emergency medical teams have treated the sick. And our National Guard personnel is providing very important assistance. It turns out when the President shows up, so does a lot of the other brass. I'm proud to be here with General Tuck*, who runs the entire National Guard bureau. (Applause.)

All of us associated with the federal government, Governor, are here to make sure that the resources at our disposal are deployed to help you. And that's why there's all kinds of people from all different departments at the federal level, to assess the needs, to listen to the concerns, and to respond. And that's exactly what we've been doing, and that's exactly what we'll continue to do.

As the Governor mentioned, I did issue an emergency declaration which allows federal agencies across the government to help state and local authorities. It empowers FEMA to provide vital supplies as well as to pay emergency grants to help pay for the cost of firefighting, evacuation shelters, and traffic control.

Our Department of Agriculture and Interior have provided elite firefighters and equipment. As I mentioned, the Department of Defense is in this to help you through NORTH. The military has got assets that we can help you with. General, thanks for ing. We've got a four-star general with us today; he runs NORTH and the reason he's here, Governor, is to listen to you, find out what assets we can continue to deploy to help you.

As the Governor mentioned,日文翻譯, yesterday I signed a second declaration to help California's recovery and rebuilding efforts. The major disaster declaration authorizes the release of federal funds for debris removal and long-term assistance to individuals and business owners. People affected by the fires can now apply for assistance for temporary housing and home repair and low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses.

Now people here in this part of the world are wondering, is there a number they can call to get help? And here's the number: 1-800-621-FEMA. You want to find out whether or not you qualify for help, federal help, just call 1-800-621-FEMA or go to the website FEMA.gov. And there's a third way that you can find out whether you get help, and that is through a mobile disaster recovery center that FEMA's deployed around this state. And Arnold Schwarzenegger's right. These fires are going to go out because of the bravery of the people behind us. But there's still going to be needs and concerns.

And the final reason I've e is to let you know we're not going to forget you in Washington, D.C.; that we want the people to know that there's a better day ahead; that today, your life may look dismal but tomorrow, life is going to be better; and to the extent that the federal government can help you, we want to do so.

I do want to thank all the volunteers who have stepped forth to help a neighbor in need. There's an impressive number of people that have heard the call that one of their neighbors needs help. For all of those who are volunteering their time to help somebody get their feet back on the ground, I thank you from the bottom of our nation's heart.

May God bless those who suffer, may God bless those who are helping the people who are hurting, and may God continue to bless our country. Thank you. (Applause.)

END 12:30 P.M. PDT





生涯中,那些假正經、揹後說人壞話的偽善傢真使人惡古道热肠!教您一招,韓文翻譯,這種人在英語裏叫做“goody two-shoes”。

“Goody two-shoes”最早出現於一本名叫“The history of little goody two-shoes”的童話書,韓文翻譯,書中,“goody two-shoes”可是與偽善沒有半點聯係。正在這個童話故事裏,Goody是個僅有一只鞋子的窮孩子,一天她不知怎麼获得了一雙完全的鞋,於是悲痛欲绝滿大巷跑,對路邊的止人年夜叫:“Two shoes! Two shoes!”。

後來,隨著歲月的流逝,美加,“goody two-shoes”竟奇异天變成了现在的貶義意:“偽擅、裝正經”。或許,人們覺得Goody噹時大呼“two shoes”的做法有點愚氣,因此“goody two-shoes”才被用來表现“並非地隧道讲的大好人”?

來看上面的例句:Phyllis was a real goody two-shoes, tattling on her friends to the teacher. (菲麗斯克实虛偽,居然背老師打友人的小報告。)


譯海拾貝 不吃早饭影響工做傚率(雙語) - 英語指導



Ipsos Mori 的一項調查讲明,在英國,17%的上班族從來不吃早餐,還有17%的人一周只吃一到三次早餐.


“正在工作時間那些僟乎不吃或從來不吃午餐的人和那27%從來不吃早餐的人,很讓人擔擔憂” Ipsos Mori 研讨員稱。

受飲食服務公司- BaxterStorey拜托的這項調查预算,不吃早餐給公司形成81億英鎊的損失,這些損失相噹於浪費了4650萬個工作日。許多研究都發現,注重力關注範圍,才能及身體綜开安康都和是不是吃早餐有著聯係。






A third of office workers would rather grab a few minutes extra sleep than breakfast, according to a survey that estimated poor eating habits were costing panies dearly in terms of lost productivity.

A survey by Ipsos Mori found 17 percent of British office workers never have breakfast and 17 percent have it just one to three times a week.

It found eight percent of 1,051 office staff questioned also regularly skip lunch, with these poor eating habits estimated to be costing panies 17 billion pounds ($34 billion) a year or 97 million lost working days.

"Worryingly, of those who rarely or never eat lunch, 27 percent also never eat breakfast during the working week," said Ipsos Mori researchers in a statement.

The survey, missioned by food service pany BaxterStorey,日文翻譯, estimated skipping breakfast cost panies 8.1 billion pounds or 46.5 million lost working days, with many studies finding a link between eating breakfast and attention span, learning ability and general well-being.

When other poor eating habits such as having no breakfast and lunch or having no breakfast and snacks, are included, lost productivity rocketed to nearly 17 billion pounds.

The survey found most employees -- 92 percent -- have lunch, with 68 percent opting for sandwiches, but most people don't drink enough during the day. Only 11 percent had the remended eight or more drinks during the working day.

"People who eat breakfast have better concentration, problem solving ability, mental performance, memory and mood.

People who eat breakfast are also more physically energetic and have better coordination," said nutrition specialist Matt Barker.

"Research tells us that scores on memory tests were about 15 percent lower in people who skipped breakfast,韓文翻譯. And those who skip it tend to eat sugary, fatty foods later in the day, reducing their productivity."


President Bush Meets with President Lula of Brazil - 英語演講

September 24, 20

6:48 P.M,論文翻譯. EDT

PRESIDENT BUSH: It's a pleasure to be with my friend, the President of Brazil. Every time we visit it's always a fruitful and important discussion. We talked about climate change. And I assured the President that the event we're having in Washington -- which he kindly is ing to -- is an important meeting about reaching international consensus on how to move together on the issue of climate change.

We talked about alternative fuels. Brazil, under President Lula's leadership, is a leading producer of ethanol. And he is an evangelist on the subject. And I appreciate very much his leadership because I believe the United States will benefit from ethanol. So I look forward to working with you. And I want to thank you for you're leadership in Haiti.

And finally, we had a good discussion on Doha. We share a mitment to a successful round of trade talks. And I assured the President that the United States would show flexibility, particularly on agricultural goods in order to help achieve a breakthrough. So I want to thank you for the conversation. It's a joy being with you.

PRESIDENT LULA: (As translated.) First of all, I would like to thank for the opportunity once again to be here with President Bush and with members of his Cabinet. Secondly, we are convinced that on the climate change and the Doha Round we're still dependent on some factors. And one of these factors is the willingness of an important country like the U.S. demonstrating its capability to be flexible.

And President Bush has demonstrated the willingness to reach an agreement -- in the many different conversations that we have had he has demonstrated very clearly his willingness, and the U.S. is willing to be more flexible. And he's also willing to discuss with all countries on climate change. And this has been Brazil's position. We are convinced that the Doha Round is a need, it's something that is a necessity for the rich and for the poor countries. And we'll be -- the rich and the developing countries give their contribution for the less developed countries.

And at the same time, the climate issue is an issue that involves all the human beings on the planet Earth. So all of us, we share responsibility to take care of the planet that we will leave for our grandsons and for our grand grandsons,韓文翻譯. We don't want to try to find who to put the blame on or who is innocent. What matters is that everybody has to take care of the planet, because if we don't take of the planet Earth we will all have something to lose.

I once again told President Bush that Brazil is willing to do its share on the climate issue and also to cope with what we have to cope with, from the deforestation of the Rain Forest in the Amazon, which we managed to reduce in 52 percent. And on the Doha Round, Brazil is willing to do whatever is necessary so that we can reach a deal very (inaudible). If we manage to convince important countries like China, India, South Africa, Argentina, Mexico,日文翻譯, plus the European Union and Japan, I think that we can in the next phase announce good measures as related to the Doha Round, as also on the climate change.

So what we are demonstrating is that the issue exists. No one has a definite solution. We are just in a learning process on how to cope with this issue. And we all want to do our homework. The demonstration of the political will President Bush has, and myself, is we're sending a signal that no one owns the truth; everybody knows a little bit, and doesn't know so much a little bit, too, so we want together to add up our knowledge so that we can find the best solutions.


END 6:54 P.M. EDT


Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Vermont - 英語演講

The President today declared a major disaster exists in the State of Vermont and ordered Federal aid to supplement State and local recovery efforts in the area struck by the severe winter storm during the period of December 11-18, 2008.

Federal funding is available to State and eligible local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations on a cost-sharing basis for emergency work and the repair or replacement of facilities damaged by the severe winter storm in the counties of Bennington and Windham.

Federal funding is also available on a cost-sharing basis for hazard mitigation measures statewide.

R. David Paulison, Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of Homeland Security, named Mark H. Landry as the Federal Coordinating Officer for Federal recovery operations in the affected area.

FEMA said additional designations may be made at a later date if requested by the State and warranted by the results of further damage assessments.



Presidents Statement on Anniversary of Cubas Independenc - 英語演講

May 20, 20

send greetings to all those celebrating the 105th anniversary of Cuba's Independence.

The longing for justice, freedom, and human rights is a desire that can be delayed but never denied. The United States remains mitted to extending the full blessings of liberty around the world, and on this important milestone, we stand united with freedom-loving people of all nations in the conviction that Cuba's future must be one of dignity, liberty, and opportunity.

This day is also an opportunity to recognize the generations of Cuban Americans who have made contributions to our society. Your hard work and high ideals reflect the best of America and enrich our Nation.

Laura and I send our best wishes. May God bless the people of Cuba and all the sons and daughters of Cuba who call America home.






又從前西圆人認為中國是瓷器本產天,把瓷器叫做chinaware(中國器皿),後來更簡稱為china,例如a piece of china便是“一件磁器”了。




The pure. the bright, the beautiful,

That stirred our hearts in youth,

The impulses to wordless prayer.

The dreams of love and truth;

The longing after something's lost,

The spirit's yearning cry,

The striving after better hopes-

These things can never die.

The timid hand stretched forth to aid

A brother in his need,

A kindly word in grief's dark hour

That proves a friend indeed ;

The plea for mercy softly breathed,

When justice threatens nigh,

The sorrow of a contrite heart-

These things shall never die.

Let nothing pass for every hand

Must find some work to do ;

Lose not a chance to waken love-

Be firm, and just ,and true;

So shall a light that cannot fade

Beam on thee from on high.

And angel voices say to thee

These things shall never die.


The Quit India speech by Mahatma Gandhi - 英語演講

Before you discuss the , let me place before you one or two things, I want you to understand two things very clearly and to consider them from the same point of view from which I am placing them before you. I ask you to consider it from my point of view, because if you approve of it, you will be enjoined to carry out all I say. It will be a great responsibility. There are people who ask me whether I am the same man that I was in 1920, or whether there has been any change in me. You are right in asking that question.
Let me, however, hasten to assure that I am the same Gandhi as I was in 1920. I have not changed in any fundamental respect. I attach the same importance to non-violence that I did then. If at all, my emphasis on it has grown stronger. There is no real contradiction between the present and my previous writings and utterances.
Occasions like the present do not occur in everybody’s and but rarely in anybody’s life. I want you to know and feel that there is nothing but purest Ahimsa1 in all that I am saying and doing today. The draft of the Working mittee is based on Ahimsa, the contemplated struggle similarly has its roots in Ahimsa. If, therefore, there is any among you who has lost faith in Ahimsa or is wearied of it, let him not vote for this .
Let me explain my position clearly. God has vouchsafed to me a priceless gift in the weapon of Ahimsa. I and my Ahimsa are on our trail today. If in the present crisis, when the earth is being scorched by the flames of Himsa2 and crying for deliverance, I failed to make use of the God given talent, God will not forgive me and I shall be judged un-wrongly of the great gift. I must act now. I may not hesitate and merely look on,英文翻譯, when Russia and China are threatened.
Ours is not a drive for power,翻譯公司, but purely a non-violent fight for India’s independence. In a violent struggle, a successful general has been often known to effect a military coup and to set up a dictatorship. But under the Congress scheme of things, essentially non-violent as it is, there can be no room for dictatorship. A non-violent soldier of freedom will covet nothing for himself, he fights only for the freedom of his country. The Congress is unconcerned as to who will rule, when freedom is attained. The power, when it es, will belong to the people of India, and it will be for them to decide to whom it placed in the entrusted. May be that the reins will be placed in the hands of the Parsis,法文翻譯, for instance-as I would love to see happen-or they may be handed to some others whose names are not heard in the Congress today. It will not be for you then to object saying, “This munity is microscopic. That party did not play its due part in the freedom’s struggle; why should it have all the power?” Ever since its inception the Congress has kept itself meticulously free of the munal taint. It has thought always in terms of the whole nation and has acted accordingly. . .
I know how imperfect our Ahimsa is and how far away we are still from the ideal, but in Ahimsa there is no final failure or defeat. I have faith, therefore, that if, in spite of our shortings, the big thing does happen, it will be because God wanted to help us by crowning with success our silent, unremitting Sadhana1 for the last twenty-two years.
I believe that in the history of the world,論文翻譯, there has not been a more genuinely democratic struggle for freedom than ours. I read Carlyle’s French Resolution while I was in prison, and Pandit Jawaharlal has told me something about the Russian revolution. But it is my conviction that inasmuch as these struggles were fought with the weapon of violence they failed to realize the democratic ideal. In the democracy which I have envisaged,翻譯, a democracy established by non-violence, there will be equal freedom for all. Everybody will be his own master. It is to join a struggle for such democracy that I invite you today. Once you realize this you will forget the differences between the Hindus and Muslims, and think of yourselves as Indians only, engaged in the mon struggle for independence.
Then, there is the question of your attitude towards the British. I have noticed that there is hatred towards the British among the people. The people say they are disgusted with their behaviour. The people make no distinction between British imperialism and the British people. To them, the two are one This hatred would even make them wele the Japanese. It is most dangerous. It means that they will exchange one slavery for another. We must get rid of this feeling. Our quarrel is not with the British people, we fight their imperialism. The proposal for the withdrawal of British power did not e out of anger. It came to enable India to play its due part at the present critical juncture It is not a happy position for a big country like India to be merely helping with money and material obtained willy-nilly from her while the United Nations are conducting the war. We cannot evoke the true spirit of sacrifice and velour, so long as we are not free. I know the British Government will not be able to withhold freedom from us, when we have made enough self-sacrifice. We must, therefore, purge ourselves of hatred. Speaking for myself, I can say that I have never felt any hatred. As a matter of fact, I feel myself to be a greater friend of the British now than ever before. One reason is that they are today in distress. My very friendship, therefore, demands that I should try to save them from their mistakes. As I view the situation,韓文翻譯, they are on the brink of an abyss. It, therefore, bees my duty to warn them of their danger even though it may, for the time being, anger them to the point of cutting off the friendly hand that is stretched out to help them. People may laugh, nevertheless that is my claim. At a time when I may have to launch the biggest struggle of my life, I may not harbour hatred against anybody.


President Bush Discusses Economy, War on Terror During Remar - 英語演講

March 28, 20

10:13 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thanks for having me. (Applause.) Thank you, please be seated. Not a bad introduction by a cowboy. (Laughter.) Thanks for having me. Wele to Washington. I'm glad to be with you. I was telling Laura this morning, I'm really looking forward to going over to talk to the nation's cattlemen. I appreciate being with people who understand the importance of faith, family, hard work, good values. I like to remind people, every day is Earth Day if you make a living off the land. (Applause.) It's good to be with fellow conservationists.

I'm going to talk a little bit about two big priorities: one, how to keep this economy strong so people can make a living; and secondly, how this country needs to stay resolved and firm in protecting the security of our country. (Applause.) And I appreciate you giving me a chance to e over and visit.

I do want to thank John Queen. I want to thank the Board of Directors. Thanks for being here and making your voices heard. You can influence the debate in Washington. And this is a town where people do listen to other people's voices. I've got a few suggestions for you when you go up to Capitol Hill. (Laughter.) But before I give them, I do want to recognize Senator Craig Thomas from the state of Wyoming, and Marilyn Musgrave from Colorado. Appreciate you both being here. (Applause.)

Let me talk about how to keep this economy growing. You know, one of the main jobs of government is to create the conditions for economic growth. A main job of government is not to try to create wealth. The fundamental question we've got to ask here in Washington is, what do we need to do to encourage investment and risk-takers, and to encourage entrepreneurship? And I believe the heart of good economic policy is keeping people's taxes low,韓文翻譯. (Applause.)

The reason I say that is there's a fundamental debate in Washington, when you really get down to it, and the debate is who best to spend your money. And I believe a cattleman can spend their money better than the government can. Now, obviously, we need some amount of money here, and that's called setting priorities. But beyond that, the best way to keep this economy growing is to let you keep more of your own tax money. The tax cuts we passed are working.

You know, when you cut the individual tax rates, you affect farmers and ranchers. Many farmers and ranchers are Sub-chapter S corporations, or limited partnerships, or sole proprietorships, which means you pay tax at the individual ine tax level. And if you're worried about a vibrant agricultural economy, it makes sense to let those who work the land keep more of their own money so they can invest, so they can make the necessary changes so that their businesses can remain vibrant.

I say the tax cuts work. Since we enacted major tax reform in , in response to recession and a terrorist attack, this economy of ours has created more than 7 million jobs, new jobs, and it's expanded 13 percent. The tax cuts are working, and the United States Congress needs to make those tax cuts permanent. (Applause.)

One of the taxes that concerns you a lot, I know, is the death tax. It should. You get taxed while you're living and then you get taxed after you die. It's double taxation at its worst. We put the death tax on the road to extinction. Notice I didn't say it is going to be extinct. Under current law, it will e back into effect in , which puts people in an awkward position in 2010. (Laughter.)

I really believe Congress needs to pay attention to the effects of the death tax on our farmers and ranchers. If people are concerned about keeping land in the hands of the family rancher, the best way to do so is to get rid of the death tax for those who ranch the land, once and for all. (Applause.)

When you're working the halls of Congress, I hope you work hard on the death tax issue. There's no excuse not to get rid of it. Now, you'll hear people say, we don't want to give tax relief to the billionaires. Okay, fine. But let's put a bill on the President's desk that respects the ranchers of the United States of America, and the farmers, and the small business owners, and I'll sign it. (Applause.)

To keep the economy growing, we've got to be wise about our budgets. Now, what you'll hear here in Washington is, we've got to raise your taxes in order to balance the budget. That's not the way Washington, D.C. works. They will raise your taxes and figure out new ways to spend your money. All I do is ask you to look at the budget that the Senate just recently passed. You know, we changed hands here in Washington in the Senate and the House, and the new leadership there in the Senate passed a new budget which raises taxes so they can increase spending, and the House is looking at the same type of approach.

I have a different view. My attitude is, keep the taxes low so the economy grows to generate more tax revenues, and don't overspend; to set priorities with the people's money, not try to be all things to all people. And so I submitted a budget to the House and the Senate that balances the budget in five years without raising one dime on the working people of the United States of America. (Applause.)

I'm looking forward to working with you on a farm bill that's good and decent and fair. I just put up a -- submitted some ideas through our Secretary of Agriculture, Mike Johanns. I want to remind you in the bill we submitted to Congress we asked for a $17-billion increase in conservation spending over a 10-year period. That's an increase over the last farm bill. That includes money for CRP, and a 30-percent increase for equip. (Applause.) Plus $1.75 billion on water conservation programs. I think this is a wise use of our money.

I'm interested in a farm bill that enhances conservation, that recognizes the contribution our ranchers make, that is fair, that is reform oriented, and helps us pete in the global marketplace. I appreciate your efforts to work on a good farm bill. I'm looking forward to working with you on it.

Finally, to keep the economy growing, we ought to open up markets for U.S. goods and services. If you're interested in economic vitality and growth, the way to encourage that growth is to find new markets for U.S. products. And I want to spend a little time talking about trade today.

Last year, the United States exported $1.4 trillion worth of goods and services. That makes us the largest exporter in the world. To me, that says, is that when we have opportunities that are fair, we produce the kinds of goods and services people want to buy. Every time we break down a barrier to trade, it makes it more likely somebody who's raising a cow will have an opportunity to sell that cow into a better market.

Free trade lowers consumer prices. In other words, when you open up trade, it's good for consumers. Trade is good for people working,翻譯公司. I don't know if you realize this or not, but jobs exported by -- supported by exports pay wages that are 13 to 18 percent higher than the average. If you manufacture a good that is sold overseas, you're making more money that somebody who's not exporting. Isn't that an interesting fact?

I happen to believe petition is good,台北翻譯社. I believe petition brings out the best in everybody. So I don't mind petition, so long as the playing rules are fair. My attitude on trade is, you treat us the way we treat you, and then let's pete. America is 5 percent of the world's population, which means 95 percent of the rest of the world are potential customers for things that we grow or manufacture.

I think it's good business to open up trade agreements. When I came into office we only had trade agreements with three nations; now we have 11 of them in force, and more on the way. The countries that America has free trade agreements with represent 7 percent of the world's GDP, yet they account for 43 percent of our exports. The reason I bring this up to you is there's a lot of room for expansion when it es to trade. There's a lot of opportunity.

And so this administration is mitted to open up markets. And there's a vital vote getting ready to e up in front of the -- up to the Congress, and that is agreements that we have cut with Peru, Colombia and Panama. I believe these are important markets for you, and important markets for U.S. goods and services. Congress needs to make sure that they send an affirmative message when it es to trade on these three agreements.

Now, trade obviously creates issues. We end up with disputes and opportunities for people to make mischief when it es to trade, people to use excuses for not opening up markets. And we went through one of those periods with you all, and that is with the BSE issue. BSE was discovered in , and we worked with our cattle folks aggressively to address the issue, to prevent further introduction and spread of the disease. In other words, there was a effort by government and the cattle raisers to address the issue.

In the last three years, we've conducted over 800,000 tests to assess the health of our cattle herds. Thanks to these and other science-based measures, we've helped the farmers and ranchers manage any possible BSE risk in the cattle population. And today, because of our collaborative efforts and a strong scientific approach to deal with BSE, we can say to global consumers with plete assurance, American beef is safe and it is good to eat. (Applause.)

And the word is getting out. In 2006, exports of beef and beef products totaled more than $2 billion. That's nearly a 50-percent increase from . It's not at the levels we want, but there has been some improvement in sales. And that's important for you. The more markets there are that are open for your product, the easier it's going to be for you to make a living. And I understand that, and it's important for Congress to understand that, as well.

Today, more than 100 countries have fully or partially opened their markets to U.S. beef. The objective of this administration,英文翻譯, however, is to make sure that they're better than partially opened, they're fully opened, including the countries like Japan and Korea. We're also working to open up markets that have still got a ban on our imports. In other words, this is an important part of our foreign policy. When I'm talking to leaders and they've got an issue with American beef, it's on the agenda. I say, if you want to get the attention of the American people in a positive way, you open up your markets to U.S. beef. People understand that when it es to being treated fairly in the world marketplace. (Applause.)

We got an opportunity to expand further -- open up further markets by expanding trade through the Doha Round of the World Trade Organization. It gives us a chance to level the playing field. It gives us a chance so that I can say to our cattle raisers and others that, you'll be treated fairly. Now, you got to pete; you got to grow some product that somebody wants. But you should be treated fairly. The rules will treat you fairly. That's all you can expect.

And so I want you to know that we're going to work hard to bring Doha to a successful conclusion. It's hard work. This weekend the President of Brazil is ing to see me, and we'll be talking about how we can work together to open up markets, and at the same time, address their concerns about our farm issues.

The only way that we can plete Doha and make headway on other trade agreements, however, is for Congress to extend trade promotion authority. This authority allows the President to negotiate plicated trade deals, and then send them to the United States Congress for an up or down vote on the whole agreement. Presidents of both parties have considered this a incredibly important tool for pleting trade agreements. In other words, our trade partners have got to say, if that's the deal we negotiate, that's the one that somebody is going to have to vote up or down on. You can't negotiate a deal in fairness with the United States if you think it's going to be changed on the floor of the Congress. So the up or down vote is important to get, and that's what you get when you get trade promotion authority.

And yet, this authority will expire on July the 1st unless Congress acts. And I want to thank the National Cattlemen's Beef Association for joining with the administration and other organizations in urging the Congress to renew trade promotion authority. (Applause.)

There's going to be a vigorous debate about trade in Congress, and I thank you for engaging in that debate. And you know, trashing trade will make a good sound byte on the evening news. But walling off America from the rest of the world would harm this economy, and it would harm our cattle raisers. The road to protectionism may seem broad and inviting, yet it ends in danger and decline. So I urge Congress to reject protectionism and to keep this economy open to tremendous opportunities that the world has to offer for our ranchers and farmers and entrepreneurs.

Just as our prosperity depends on rejecting economic isolationism, so, too, our security depends on rejecting calls for America to abandon its leadership in this world.

September the 11th is an important moment in this country's history. It's a sad moment. But it should serve as a wake-up call to the realities of the world in which we live. On September the 11th, we saw problems originating in a failed state some 7,000 miles away that affected how we live. See, September the 11th was not only a day we were attacked, it is a day that our country must never forget, and the lessons of that day must never be forgot, that what happens overseas matters here at home. It may be tempting to say, oh, just let it run its natural course. But for me, allowing the world to run its natural course, which could lead to more violence and hatred, would end up reducing the security of the United States, not enhancing the security. And our biggest job in America, the biggest job of this government, is to protect you from harm.

I think about it every day, and so do a lot of other good, decent citizens of this country. The best way to protect this country is to defeat the enemy overseas so we don't have to face them here at home. (Applause.) And for the long-term peace and security of this country, we must advance an ideology that stands in stark contrast to the ideology of the killers. The best way to secure this homeland is to stay on the offense, and in the meantime, encourage the spread of liberty as an alternative to tyranny.

And it's hard work, but it is necessary work. We went into Afghanistan, and we did so to remove a vicious tyranny that had harbored terrorists who planned the 9/11 attacks on our country. Our message was, if you provide safe haven, if you provide fort to an enemy, you're just as guilty as the enemy. And so, along with allies, we captured or killed hundreds of al Qaeda and Taliban fighters; we closed down their training camps; we helped the people of Afghanistan replace the Taliban regime with a democratic government. And it's in our nation's long-term interests that we help the people of Afghanistan survive the threats and onslaughts by people who want to reinstate tyranny.

And then we went into Iraq. And we removed the dictator who was a threat to the United States and to the world. And now we're undertaking the difficult and dangerous work of helping the Iraqi people establish a functioning democracy that can protect their own people and serve as an ally in this global war against those who would do America harm.

In -- I want you to remember -- in , the Iraqi people held three national elections. Oh, it seems like a decade ago, doesn't it? And yet in the march of history, it's not all that long ago that the Iraqi people showed up at the election box, after having lived under the thumb of a brutal and murderous tyrant, to express their will about the future of their country. They chose a transitional government. They adopted the most progressive, democratic constitution in the Arab world. And then they elected a government that constitution. Despite the endless threats from killers, nearly 12 million Iraqi citizens came out to vote, in a show of hope and solidarity that the United States should never forget.

A thinking enemy watched all this. See, there are some who can't stand the thought of a free society emerging in their midst. And this enemy escalated attacks. Al Qaeda is very active in Iraq. And they and other Sunni extremists blew up one of the most sacred places in Shia Islam, the Golden Mosque of Samarra. Why did they do that? They did that to provoke retaliation. They did that to cause people to take up -- arm themselves. And they succeeded. Radical Shia elements, some of whom have received support from Iran, increased their support of death squads, and then the situation began to escalate.

And so I had a choice to make. Last fall, I looked at the facts, I consulted with a lot of folks in Congress, and our military manders. And my choice really boiled down to this: Do we withdraw our troops and let violence spiral out of control, let this young democracy fail, or do I send reinforcements to help the Iraqis quell the violence and secure their capital? In other words, do we give them breathing space to get on the path of reconciliation so that this young democracy could survive?

Well, I weighed the options, and the military manders and I concluded that the consequences of withdrawal would be disastrous for the United States of America. And let me tell you why. If we were to step back from Baghdad before it was more secure, before the government could secure its own capital, it would leave a security vacuum. And into that vacuum could quickly e Sunni and Shia extremists, bolstered by outside forces. A contagion of violence could spill out across the country, and in time, the violence of these emboldened extremists could affect the entire region. The terrorists could emerge from chaos -- see, they benefit when the situation is chaotic -- with new safe havens to replace the one they had lost in Afghanistan.

There's no doubt in my mind that their intention is to try to strike us again, and they need the resources and the safe haven to do so. If we were to abandon this young democracy to chaos, it would embolden these extremists. It would enable them to be able to recruit more. It would give them new resources from which to plot and plan. I believe the consequences of failure in Iraq affect the security of the United States of America, and that's why I made the decision I made. (Applause.)

And so instead of retreating, we reinforced -- troops led by a capable mander named General David Petraeus. The Iraqi government saw our firm support, and they're now beginning to carry out an aggressive plan to secure their nation's capital. And the plan is still in the beginning stages. I mean, General Petraeus had been on the ground just for about two months. Only half of the reinforcements that he needs have arrived. And he says it's going to be early June before all the troops that are dedicated to the operation are even in place. In other words, I've sent reinforcements into Baghdad with a new mander, with a plan to help the Iraqis secure the plan, a plan that we believe will be successful. He's been there for about two months. Half the troops that he needs have arrived.

And, look, I recognize it's going to require a sustained, determined effort to succeed; I know that. And there are some early signs that are encouraging. For example, the Iraqi leader has appointed a mander for Baghdad who is working closely with our generals. The last of the nine Iraqi surge battalions arrived in the Iraqi capital. In other words, they said, we're going to mit troops to this plan to secure the capital, and they're delivering. Iraqis are showing up. Iraqi leaders have lifted restrictions that once prevented Iraqi and American forces from going into areas like Sadr City. You've been reading about Sadr City; well, my attitude is, murderers are murderers, and they ought to be brought to justice. And so any political restrictions preventing our people are being lifted. Iraqis are in the lead, we're helping them.

We're now setting up checkpoints across Baghdad. When I say "we," that is the Iraqis, with American help. They're hardening perimeters around markets and areas that have been targets for these attacks, all aimed at shaking the confidence of the American people and shaking the confidence of the Iraqi people. We've got joint security stations throughout the Iraqi capital. In the past, we would clear an area, and then we'd go home, and then the insurgents or killers would move back in. Now we've got a strategy of clear, hold -- that's what that means -- and then using money to help reconstruct Iraq. By the way, most of the money is ing from the Iraqis -- he's put out a $10 billion reconstruction budget. That's what we expect. A government of and by the people should be spending the people's money to help rebuild their country.

American forces are now deployed 24 hours in these neighborhoods, and guess what's happening. The Iraqi people are beginning to gain confidence. Support from the Iraqi people can be measured by the tips our people get. In other words, people saying, so-and-so is over here; a cache of weapons over there. And we're using the tips to aggressively pursue. We've launched successful operations against Shia extremists. We've captured hundreds of fighters that are spreading sectarian violence. In other words, we're after killers. We're after -- we don't say, this religious group, or this religious group. We're saying, if you're trying to destabilize this young democracy, the Iraqis, with coalition help, are ing after you.

Last week, we captured a Shia extremist leader and his associates who were implicated in the kidnaping and murder of five U.S. soldiers in Karbala. Last month, American and Iraqi forces uncovered more than 400 weapons caches. We're conducting dozens and dozens of operations on a daily basis throughout that country, with the Iraqi forces.

See, ultimately, the Iraqis are going to have to defend themselves. Ultimately, it is their responsibility. That's what the 12 million people who voted want. We just need to give them some breathing space so they can gain their confidence and have the capabilities necessary to protect this country.

We're destroying bomb factories. Just last week, we captured the head of the al Qaeda bomb network, responsible for some of the most horrific bombings in Baghdad. It's interesting, I mentioned al Qaeda; al Qaeda wants us to fail in Iraq. This is what their leaders have clearly said, and they're willing to kill innocent women and children to achieve their objectives.

The missions I described are only the opening salvos in what is going to be a sustained effort. Yet, the Iraqi people are beginning to say -- see positive changes. I want to share with you how two Iraqi bloggers -- they have bloggers in Baghdad, just like we've got here -- (laughter) -- "Displaced families are returning home, marketplaces are seeing more activity, stores that were long shuttered are now reopening. We feel safer about moving in the city now. Our people want to see this effort succeed. We hope the governments in Baghdad and America do not lose their resolve."

I want to read something that Army Sergeant Major Chris Nadeau says -- the guy is on his second tour in Iraq. He says, "I'm not a Democrat or a Republican. I'm a soldier,翻譯. The facts are the facts. Things are getting better, we're picking up momentum."

These are hopeful signs, and that's positive. Yet at the very moment that General Petraeus's strategy is beginning to show signs of success, the Democrats in the House of Representatives have passed an emergency war spending bill that undercuts him and the troops under his mand. This bill would damage our effort in Iraq three ways. First, the House bill would impose restrictions on our manders in Iraq, as well as rigid conditions and arbitrary deadlines on the Iraqi government. It would mandate a precipitous withdrawal of American forces, if every one of these conditions is not met by a date certain. Even if they are met, the bill would still require that most American forces begin retreating from Iraq by March 1st of next year, regardless of conditions on the ground.

It's unclear what the military significance of this date is. What is clear is that the consequences of imposing such a specific and random date for withdrawal would be disastrous. If the House bill bees law, our enemies in Iraq would simply have to mark their calendars. They'd spend the months ahead picking how to use their new -- plotting how to use their new safe havens once we were to leave. It makes no sense for politicians in Washington, D.C. to be dictating arbitrary time lines for our military manders in a war zone 6,000 miles away. (Applause.)

I want to read to you what a major newspaper editorial page said -- and by the way, this editorial page, like, generally not singing my praises -- (laughter) -- "Imagine if Dwight Eisenhower had been forced to adhere to a congressional war plan in scheduling the Normandy landings -- or if, in 1863, President Lincoln had been forced by Congress to conclude the Civil War the following year. This is the worst kind of congressional meddling in military strategy." (Applause.)

Second, the House bill also undermines the Iraqi government, and contradicts the Democrats' claim that they simply want to help the Iraqis solve their own problems. For example, the House bill would cut funding for the Iraqi security forces if Iraqi leaders did not meet arbitrary deadlines.

The Democrats cannot have it both ways. They can't say that the Iraqis must do more, and then take away the funds that will help them do so. Iraq is a young democracy. It is fighting for its survival in a region that is vital to our security. The lesson of September the 11th must not be forgot. To cut off support for the security forces would put our own security at risk.

Third, the House bill would add billions of dollars in domestic spending that is pletely unrelated to the war. For example, the bill includes $74 million for peanut storage, $25 million for spinach growers. These may be emergencies, they may be problems, but they can be addressed in the normal course of business. They don't need to be added on to a bill that's supporting our troops. There's $6.4 million for the House of Representatives' salaries and expense accounts. I don't know what that is -- (laughter) -- but it is not related to the war and protecting the United States of America. (Applause.)

This week the Senate is considering a version that is no better. The Senate bill sets an arbitrary date for withdrawal. It also undermines the Iraqi government's ability to take more responsibility for their own country by cutting funds for Iraqi reconstruction and law enforcement. And just like their colleagues in the House, Senate Democrats have loaded their bill with special interest spending.

The bill includes $40 million for tree assistance. You know, all these matters may be important matters. They don't need to be loaded on to a bill that is an emergency spending bill for our troops. There's $3.5 million for visitors to tour the Capitol and see for themselves how Congress works. (Laughter.) I'm not kidding you. (Laughter.)

Here's the bottom line: The House and Senate bills have too much pork, too many conditions on our manders, and an artificial timetable for withdrawal. (Applause.) And I have made it clear for weeks, if either version es to my desk, I'm going to veto it. (Applause.) It is also clear from the strong opposition in both houses that my veto would be sustained. Yet Congress continues to pursue these bills, and as they do, the clock is ticking for our troops in the field. Funding for our forces in Iraq will begin to run out in mid-April. Members of Congress need to stop making political statements, and start providing vital funds for our troops. They need to get that bill to my desk so I can sign it into law.

Now, some of them believe that by delaying funding for our troops, they can force me to accept restrictions on our manders that I believe would make withdrawal and defeat more likely. That's not going to happen. If Congress fails to pass a bill to fund our troops on the front lines, the American people will know who to hold responsible. (Applause.) Our troops in Iraq deserve the full support of the Congress and the full support of this nation. (Applause.)

I know when you see somebody in the uniform, you praise them, and I thank you for that. We need to praise those military families, too, that are strong, standing by their loved one in this mighty struggle to defend this country. They risk their lives to fight a brutal and determined enemy, an enemy that has no respect for human life.

We saw that brutality in a recent attack. Just two weeks ago, terrorists in Baghdad put two children in the back of an explosive-laden car, and they used them to get the car past a security checkpoint. And once through, the terrorists fled the vehicle and detonated the car with the children inside. Some call this civil war; others call it emergency [sic] -- I call it pure evil. And that evil that uses children in a terrorist attack in Iraq is the same evil that inspired and rejoiced in the attacks of September the 11th, 2001. And that evil must be defeated overseas, so we don't have to face them here again. (Applause.)

If we cannot muster the resolve to defeat this evil in Iraq, America will have lost its moral purpose in the world, and we will endanger our citizens, because if we leave Iraq before the job is done, the enemy will follow us here. Prevailing in Iraq is not going to be easy. Four years after this war began, the nature of the fight has changed, but this is a fight that can be won. We can have confidence in the oute, because this nation has done this kind of work before.

You know, following World War II, after we fought bitter enemies, we lifted up the defeated nations of Japan and Germany and stood with them as they built their representative governments. We mitted years and resources to this cause. And the effort has been repaid many times over in three generations of friendship and peace. After the Korean War, had you predicted that Korea would have been a major trading partner in the world, or Japan would have been a major trading partner and vibrant economy, or China would be developing an open market, and the Far East would be relatively peaceful, they'd have called you a hopeless idealist. And yet, because of America's presence and influence, the Far East has emerged as I've described it.

The stakes are high in the efforts we're undertaking in Iraq. It's a part of a long ideological struggle against those who spread hatred, and lack of hope, and lack of opportunity. But I believe, with patience and resolve we will succeed. The efforts we're undertaking today will affect a generation of Americans who are ing up in our society.

You know, it's important for you to understand that the Iraqi people want to live in freedom and peace. I believe strongly in the universality of liberty. I believe people want to be free, and if given a chance, they will take the risks necessary to be free. And that's what's happened in Iraq. We see the desire for liberty in Iraqi soldiers who risk their lives every day. We see the desire in the shopkeepers and civic leaders who are working to reform their neighborhoods. We see it in the desire of Iraq moms an dads who want the same thing for their children that we want for our children.

If we stand by the Iraqi people today and help them develop their young Iraqi-style democracy, they're going to be able to take responsibility for their own security. And when that day es, our forces can e home, and that we will leave behind a stable country that can serve as an example for others, and be an ally in this global struggle against those who would do us harm.

It's tough work, but it's necessary work -- work the United States has done before, and work the United States will plete now.

God bless you. (Applause.)